Company Profile

Quality Control Policy(ISO9001)

Basic Principle

Sansho Shoji aims to be a company that produce larger added value by implementation of trading functions putting an importance on achieving our customers' trust.

Action Guidelines

As a trading company of electronics-related products, we carry out in good faith the Action Guidelines set below in order to realize the Basic Principle.

  • 1.
    We will comply with laws and regulations related to our business activities, as well as agreed requirements.
  • 2.
    Our business activities are based upon following four mottoes to achieve our basic principle.
    DREAMS:Continue to envision"dreams".
    INTELLECT:Act with a high degree of "intellect".
    SINCERITY:Always strive for "sincerity".
    EFFORT:Never avoid "effort".
  • 3.
    Managers will strive to develop a corporate management plan while considering improvement of services to our customers, to constantly review business activities of our employees, and to take necessary improvement measures in order to achieve our goal.
  • 4.
    We will provide education to our employees to ensure awareness of our basic principle and action guidelines.
  • 5.
    We will make our quality management policy known to our employees in writing and make the information public.

April 1,2018
Sansho Shoji Co., Ltd.
Shinji Takahashi, President

Environmetal Policy (ISO14001)

Basic Principle

Sansho Shoji recognizes that the protection of the global environment is an important issue for humankind and takes measures for continually improvement of environmental protection and prevention of pollution in our various business activities.

Action Guidelines

As a trading company of electronics-related products, we carry out in good faith the Action Guidelines set below in order to realize the Basic Principle.

  • 1.
    We will comply with environmental laws and regulations related to our business activities, as well as agreed requirements.
  • 2.
    Among the environmental aspects related to and delivered from our business activities, we will perform the following items as most significant environmental themes.
    1) We strive to provide environment-friendly products through our sales activities.
    2) We strive to increase the efficiency of energy usage.
    3) We strive to thoroughly conserve natural resources and recycle resources.
  • 3.
    We will continually improve our environmental management system through our business activities.
  • 4.
    We will provide education to our employees to ensure awareness of our basic principle and action guidelines.
  • 5.
    We will make our environmental policy known to our employees in writing and make the information public.

April 1,2018
Sansho Shoji Co., Ltd.
Shinji Takahashi, President